Sooooo~ i was quite surprised when my bro'er went to my room and told me that Daddy got himself an Ipod 2. and I was likee----- whattt the??? O_O Did Daddy just buy himself a birthday present? Because his birthday is tomorrow, so it was funny when i think back..
okay okay maybe I was a little bit underestimated Daddy and I thought he didn't have any interest in gadgets..well my thought was obviously wrong.. and tell you what, I want Ipad2 tooooo for my birthday!!! Daddy pleaseee me want Ipad2 too please ;p
So today went well except that the electric current was stopped suddenly in our village..so apparently my babyfruit(strawberry) was crying as she couldn't bear the hot air. So we decided to jalan-jalan cari angin sejuk to cool down the vibes.. ;)
Then, I was thinking while driving(don't do this at road), that what did our bro'er and sis'er felt when they faced poverty? Their tummy would be sooooo painful because of wanting to eat cookies and marshmallow..poor them. ;( They couldnt sleep well as the sun was so damn striking on their heads. So I was like, why can't we hold it for a while if they can? Why is it possible for them to hold their thirst,hunger and the hot temperature but we can't last for 1 hour?
My God, Ya Allah! That's why Allah created poor people and rich people. Where the rich people can help the poor one and the poor one can help the riches to always remember that all the money they got are from Allah, their God. Subhanallah!
All this marshmallow and chocolate syrup I'm eating right now is a rezqi from Allah SWT. All the ni'mah He gave us are all around us.
"But..but...I'm poor. Allah didnt give me all the ni'mah"
"You poor? You have no money?" "Well you're wrong lad, you've got all the ni'mah from Allah."
"What? I dont have anything"
"Sure you do...You have your eyes to see, you have ears to hear and you have this body Allah lent to you to live in this dunya, and more importantly Allah give you the oxygen to breathe everyday without fail. Think lad, think...what if one day you fail to remember Allah, you forgot to pray to him..then what if He takes the oxygen from you? Can you breathe? No right? This is one of the greatest ni'mah Allah gave us, you know"
Even if sometimes we forgot Allah, but Allah never forget us..NEVER EVER. Everyday everytime He always gave us the greatest ni'mah of oxygen to breathe and to live well. How come we didnt know this ni'mah Allah presented to us? How come when we talked about ni'mah all we can say is about money, things and etc.
Think guys..Allah gave you your brain to think right? This is another ni'mah we just found! ;)
When you wake up in the morning tomorrow, that's mean Allah loves you.. Remember.
He didnt fail to give the ni'mah although we always forget Him. ;( Masya Allah..Forgive us ya Allah..
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