Eaten by Crunchie and Maltesers.
Salam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..
I watched a video of my friend..a very interesting video..yeah yeah i know, I'm all about video bla bla bla..i just cant help it..the video is really interesting..ok so here goes the story...
There's Crunchie and Maltesers..
One breezy afternoon, these two friends was planning to go to the Coco Cafe to meet their lecturer.
"I'll fetch you after I finish my class ok Crunchie.." told Maltesers to his delicious friend.
"Ok mate! See you tomorrow afternoon!"
The next day came and Crunchie was seen lying around his bed watching some cartoon while sipping his hot chocolate..he knew about his appointment with his friend, but he just feel too lazy to stand and dress up. 'Lying down is the best' he said while laughing hard at the cartoon.
Then suddenly, the house bell rang. His friend, Maltesers came in and looked astonishingly at Crunchie.
"Why havent you dress up yet? We're supposed to go to Coco Cafe this afternoon. Do you remember?" he asked.
"Sorry mate! I remembered, but I'm too lazy to dress up and prepare everything.." Crunchie told while munching his fluffy marshmallow.
"Come on Crunchie! I already told you yesterday about the appointment right? We have to meet with Professor," cried Maltesers chagrined with his friend's behavior.
"But....But...this show is soooo much fun!" pointed Crunchie at the television.
"urgh! you are sooo damn annoying! We're going and that's it! You're going to dress up or I'll burn the television" told Maltesers.
"Ok...ok..I'll go now!"
OK..sooooo...yeah...I'm sure some of you probably thinking, maybe I'm doing nothing but writing a useless story about two friends who just argued about being late and lazy to go to the appointment.
You're WRONG mate! This story contain a very very very thoughtful and useful ideas about the akhira.
Think guys! Think! All story, all the things that happened around us have their own stories and something that we can get through them. All we have to do is thinking!
The story above tells us that, we have to be ready for anything. We have to be ready for death! We have to be ready for the akhira! We have to be ready to meet our Creator, Allah SWT! We dont know when will Izrael,the angel of death will come to us, maybe right now, maybe tomorrow, maybe after this one second, maybe when we sleep, when we laugh with our friends, even maybe when you read my post.. who knows? no one will knows when,where,what time they will died. NO ONE KNOWS! Even the Apostle of Allah didnt know, only Allah the Almighty knows everything about us.
So, are you READY to meet with our Creator guys? What's your condition right now? Are you faithful? Are your condition shirk? or are you just playing around without anything to hold? Come on! Do you want to face your Creator like you are right now?? Allah create us as a baby, so pure and sacred physically and mentally. Especially our HEART is pure. But as we grow up, both body and heart decayed... sometimes the heart is full of sins and cannot opened up anymore, na'uzubillah min zalika!
So guys! If you love marshmallow and hot choco so much, please please please ready your self for the upcoming death all of us will be facing. We want our condition good and pure like a baby when we meet with Allah the almighty.