Thursday, May 26, 2011

Death marshmallow

Posted by fluffypuffmarshmallow at 6:21 AM 0 comments
Eaten by Crunchie and Maltesers.

Salam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

I watched a video of my friend..a very interesting video..yeah yeah i know, I'm all about video bla bla bla..i just cant help it..the video is really interesting..ok so here goes the story...

There's Crunchie and Maltesers..
One breezy afternoon, these two friends was planning to go to the Coco Cafe to meet their lecturer.
"I'll fetch you after I finish my class ok Crunchie.." told Maltesers to his delicious friend.
"Ok mate! See you tomorrow afternoon!"

The next day came and Crunchie was seen lying around his bed watching some cartoon while sipping his hot chocolate..he knew about his appointment with his friend, but he just feel too lazy to stand and dress up. 'Lying down is the best' he said while laughing hard at the cartoon.

Then suddenly, the house bell rang. His friend, Maltesers came in and looked astonishingly at Crunchie.
"Why havent you dress up yet? We're supposed to go to Coco Cafe this afternoon. Do you remember?" he asked.
"Sorry mate! I remembered, but I'm too lazy to dress up and prepare everything.." Crunchie told while munching his fluffy marshmallow.
"Come on Crunchie! I already told you yesterday about the appointment right? We have to meet with Professor," cried Maltesers chagrined with his friend's behavior.

"But....But...this show is soooo much fun!" pointed Crunchie at the television.
"urgh! you are sooo damn annoying! We're going and that's it! You're going to dress up or I'll burn the television" told Maltesers.
"Ok...ok..I'll go now!"

OK..sooooo...yeah...I'm sure some of you probably thinking, maybe I'm doing nothing but writing a useless story about two friends who just argued about being late and lazy to go to the appointment.
You're WRONG mate! This story contain a very very very thoughtful and useful ideas about the akhira.
Think guys! Think! All story, all the things that happened around us have their own stories and something that we can get through them. All we have to do is thinking!

The story above tells us that, we have to be ready for anything. We have to be ready for death! We have to be ready for the akhira! We have to be ready to meet our Creator, Allah SWT! We dont know when will Izrael,the angel of death will come to us, maybe right now, maybe tomorrow, maybe after this one second, maybe when we sleep, when we laugh with our friends, even maybe when you read my post.. who knows? no one will knows when,where,what time they will died. NO ONE KNOWS! Even the Apostle of Allah didnt know, only Allah the Almighty knows everything about us.

So, are you READY to meet with our Creator guys? What's your condition right now? Are you faithful? Are your condition shirk? or are you just playing around without anything to hold? Come on! Do you want to face your Creator like you are right now?? Allah create us as a baby, so pure and sacred physically and mentally. Especially our HEART is pure. But as we grow up, both body and heart decayed... sometimes the heart is full of sins and cannot opened up anymore, na'uzubillah min zalika!

So guys! If you love marshmallow and hot choco so much, please please please ready your self for the upcoming death all of us will be facing. We want our condition good and pure like a baby when we meet with Allah the almighty.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hot chocolate with Marshmallow on top

Posted by fluffypuffmarshmallow at 9:15 PM 0 comments

Haiya guys~ How ya doin'? Already eat cupcake and marshmallow? hehe yummy! ;p

Sooooo~ i was quite surprised when my bro'er went to my room and told me that Daddy got himself an Ipod 2. and I was likee----- whattt the??? O_O Did Daddy just buy himself a birthday present? Because his birthday is tomorrow, so it was funny when i think back..

okay okay maybe I was a little bit underestimated Daddy and I thought he didn't have any interest in gadgets..well my thought was obviously wrong.. and tell you what, I want Ipad2 tooooo for my birthday!!! Daddy pleaseee me want Ipad2 too please ;p

So today went well except that the electric current was stopped suddenly in our apparently my babyfruit(strawberry) was crying as she couldn't bear the hot air. So we decided to jalan-jalan cari angin sejuk to cool down the vibes.. ;)

Then, I was thinking while driving(don't do this at road), that what did our bro'er and sis'er felt when they faced poverty? Their tummy would be sooooo painful because of wanting to eat cookies and marshmallow..poor them. ;( They couldnt sleep well as the sun was so damn striking on their heads. So I was like, why can't we hold it for a while if they can? Why is it possible for them to hold their thirst,hunger and the hot temperature but we can't last for 1 hour?

My God, Ya Allah! That's why Allah created poor people and rich people. Where the rich people can help the poor one and the poor one can help the riches to always remember that all the money they got are from Allah, their God. Subhanallah!

All this marshmallow and chocolate syrup I'm eating right now is a rezqi from Allah SWT. All the ni'mah He gave us are all around us.
"But..but...I'm poor. Allah didnt give me all the ni'mah"
"You poor? You have no money?" "Well you're wrong lad, you've got all the ni'mah from Allah."
"What? I dont have anything"
"Sure you do...You have your eyes to see, you have ears to hear and you have this body Allah lent to you to live in this dunya, and more importantly Allah give you the oxygen to breathe everyday without fail. Think lad, think...what if one day you fail to remember Allah, you forgot to pray to him..then what if He takes the oxygen from you? Can you breathe? No right? This is one of the greatest ni'mah Allah gave us, you know"

Even if sometimes we forgot Allah, but Allah never forget us..NEVER EVER. Everyday everytime He always gave us the greatest ni'mah of oxygen to breathe and to live well. How come we didnt know this ni'mah Allah presented to us? How come when we talked about ni'mah all we can say is about money, things and etc.
Think guys..Allah gave you your brain to think right? This is another ni'mah we just found! ;)

When you wake up in the morning tomorrow, that's mean Allah loves you.. Remember.
He didnt fail to give the ni'mah although we always forget Him. ;( Masya Allah..Forgive us ya Allah..

Cookies and Cupcake

Posted by fluffypuffmarshmallow at 2:07 AM 0 comments
Salam 'alaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh.

Thanks to Allah for letting me breathe today, continue my life as a khalifah, to keep guiding people to the right place. Hope everything happened today blessed by Rabbul izzati.

I watched a video today, contained a very useful advice and very interesting and not to mention funny. A very catchy way to keep people watching this video. So basically this video is about a guy, hmmm let's call him Cookies and his friend, let's call him..what eh? Cupcake. Yummy!

A lecterur of Cookies gave him an assignment about human behavior. So of course Cookies have to search all about human behavior in libraries, books, internet bla bla bla.. but Cookies still cant find anything that suitable for his assignment. Then one day when Cookies sat on a bench in front of the library watching the beautiful sky up above him, a friend of him(what we call Cupcake) approached him and asked if he had any problem because even from faraway up in the hill(over!) Cupcake can see that Cookies frowned deeply.

That's why he asked Cookies because he cant bear to watch Cookies's eyebrows frowned that deep. LoL. At first Cookies was embarassed by his own behavs and refused to tell his problem. But after some persuasion from the yummy Cupcake, Cookies eventually told about his difficulty in finding the material for his assignment.

Cupcake was delighted when he knew about his problem and immediately lent his book of psychology.
"You can find anything about human behavior here Cookies. Its all here." told Cupcake after he took out his book from his chocolate bag.
"Thanks Cupcake!" Cookies reached the book. But before he can put it inside his bag, Cupcake stopped him and said,
"Cookies, please please and please keep my book from any chocolate syrup or ice-cream or vanilla or anything that can harm it. I want my book as clean as it is now. Ok Cookies? Can you manage that?"
"Well duh Cupcake! That's easy! I'm not going to eat this whole week if you worry about it." Cookies then went back to his apartment and went straight to do his assignment.

On the first day as promised, Cookies kept the book from anything harmful and use it wisely.
But as the day went day by day..Cookies could not held it anymore. He need to eat something while he's working on his assignment. So he took out some marshmallow and chocolate syrup and began eating them while typing and reading the psychology book. By morning his assignment was already finished and he went to look for Cupcake to return his book.

Cupcake was sitting on the same place as they met earlier and he saw Cookies brought his book with him.
"Hai ya Cupcake! Here."
Cupcake reached the book and started to check his book. On the cover, the book seemed okay like before, but when he started looking at the inside, he almost shrieked when he saw his book was messy.

"What happened here???" cried Cupcake.
There were chocolate syrup everywhere with some tiny sugar sticked to the paper. The inside was stenched with choco and some yummy smell.
"Hurmmm...i'm sorry mate. Cant do nothing bout it," Cookies touched his tummy several times.

And sooooo this was the story of Cookies and the miserable Cupcake..awww poor him ;)

So guys~what do ye get from the story above? Whatt?? you got nothing but hungry and grumbling stomach? Mahn~ your fault! ;p

So basically, it is the same as our body. Who created us? Who owned us? Our God right? Allah SWT has the right and He owned us fully. Mind,heart and body. When we do not take care of our body, the Owner has the right to be angry to us right. We have to keep our body healthy, clean and always always in a good condition. Exercise is good for our body and eat halal and healthy food. Our heart has to be clean from any sins. Our heart is like the inside of a book. Even though the cover is fine but if the inside is dirty, Allah would be angry and not pleased with us.
I remember this hadith :
‘Surely there is in the body a small piece of flesh; if it is good, the whole body is good, and if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted, and that is surely the heart’.

Related by Imam Bukhārī in his sahih

So people, let's keep our body and heart clean from any illness and from any sins that will mess our body. We just borrow them from Allah SWT, our body is not our owned. We have to take cake of other's belonging right? Right? RIGHT??? ;p

Bye then,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Do you feel angry marshmallow? hummm??

Posted by fluffypuffmarshmallow at 2:23 AM 0 comments

Alhamdulillah...alhamdulillah...alhamdulillah... =) alhamdulillah kerana diberi lagi kesempatan oleh Allah untuk ana melakarkan walau sedikit satu dua lakaran supaya antum dapat manfaatnya..

pheew~it's been a while since I'd written on this blog..satu ketika dahulu, ana berhenti sekejap untuk melakar lukisan luahan hati dan jiwa ana. Kalau dulu hampir tiap hari ana akan 'melukis', 'melukis', dan 'melukis' supaya ada orang yang dapat membaca dan dapat sesuatu daripada apa yang ana 'lukiskan' itu.

Alhamdulillah sekali lagi, Allah telah melembutkan hati ana sekarang yang tadinya panas akibat 'satu perkara' keke ;) satu peristiwa yang membuatkan ana berjauh hati..membuatkan ana ingin merajuk dan marah..tapi alhamdulillah apa yang dikatakan Allah terhadap kita itu adalah benar..Apa yang disampaikanNya kepada utusanNya adalah haq.

Jadi apa yang perlu kita buat bila kita marah?
1. Minta dijauhkan daripada Syaitan. Let's say "A'uzubillahi minassyaitanirrajim".
2.Diam. Jangan bercakap walau sepatah perkataan pun. Dont talk! Just shut our mouth and sit tight ;p
3. Duduk, dan kalau masih lagi marah, baring. Sebab duduk dan berbaring adalah perlakuan yang sangat relax dan santai. Ia boleh merehatkan otak dan badan kita supaya tidak 'panas'.
4. Senyum. Senyumlah, senyum itu kan sunnah..=)
5. Ingat pesanan Nabi Muhammad. Baginda menyuruh umatnya "La taghdob" jangan marah, bahkan mengulangnya beberapa kali ketika ditanya oleh sahabat baginda.

Ana sudah cuba tadi, bila hati yang sensitif ini terusik, ana hanya mendiamkan diri dan memencilkan diri sekejap daripada kawan-kawan..walaupun ia adalah susah dan teramat lah payah, tapi diam setelah kita marah adalah berkesan. Kerana jika ana mengeluarkan saja satu ayat dari mulut ana, ana yakin ayat tersebut tentu akan membuat orang lain lagi terusik hinggalah tidak habis-habis kemudian membawa kepada perkelahian..

So basically, anger is like a chain..keep connecting and connecting sampai tidak habis-habis..bila kita meluahkan marah kita, orang yang mendengar pasti akan tersinggung kemudian akan membangkitkan api kemarahannya..see~ that's what happen if we dont stop our feelings.

Bye! ;)
Posted by fluffypuffmarshmallow at 2:22 AM 0 comments
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